Surfing Tutorial for Beginners – CS:GO for awesome guitar equipment and effects

How to surf in CS:GO Surfing Tutorial for Beginners. in this video i will show you everything you need to know to begin surfing in CS:GO. i will show you concepts such as how to stay on the ramp, how to maintain speed and control on the ramps and how to get big air, along with movement in the air.

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LocalsOnly Contributor

Meet Jake, a contributor here! At 35 years old, he has conquered some of the gnarliest waves around the world. Born and raised in a small beach town, surfing has always been a part of Jake's life. He caught his first wave at the age of 5 and hasn't looked back since. Jake is known for his laid-back attitude and easy-going personality, making him a hit among fellow surfers and locals alike.

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