A solid swell and inconsistent sets at Uluwatu almost guarantee getting caught inside at some point - as the guy in the opening scene can attest. With so much board there's no chance of duck-diving...
Posts by LocalsOnly Contributor
With the wet season westerly winds blowing most of the December entries came from Keramas with a couple from Canggu as well. There weren’t any major swells, but still some fun waves for the...
With a lumpy swell and a stiff cross-shore wind the conditions were less than great in Canggu a couple of days ago. Even so, there were plenty of waves, the sun was out and the water is always warm...
The sun was out and so were the surfers. In big numbers. Luckily there were lots of sets and with waves up and down the reef there were a few different sections to choose from during the mid-tide...
Rio Waida’s Positioning Is Unmatched (Opening Scene) – Uluwatu
With some great positioning amongst a crowd of surfers, a beautiful set wave rolled right up to Rio Waida who gladly stroked into it uncontested. Rio didn’t surf for too long, but the waves were...
Kelly Scores Bali’s Best Wave – Padang Padang, 9 September 2020
Bali's 'Crown Jewel': Padang Padang, was in fine form on the 9th of September - and since Kelly Slater was in town, it was no great surprise to see him make his way to the lineup for the morning...