Documentary filmmaker Bruce Brown, himself a competition-level surfer, follows surfers Michael Hynson and Robert August on an around-the-world surfing adventure. With Brown's wry, sardonic...
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The Endless Summer II is a 1994 film directed by Bruce Brown and is a sequel to his 1966 film The Endless Summer. In The Endless Summer II, surfers Pat O'Connell and Robert "Wingnut" Weaver retrace...
Josh Mulcoy’s first time to Alaska was for SURFER way back in the early ’90s, and it landed him a cover. That trip also began an obsession with the state that’s lasted two and a half decades,...
Surf yogi Gerry Lopez explores the connection between surfing and yoga in a live Talk Story at Bali's Uluwatu Surf Villas. What a great human being, and a true living legend!!! As Mr....
Taken from Joe Rogan Experience #1185: Kelly is 46 and he looks like he's in his late 20's. It would appear that surfing is the fountain of youth.
Best Heat Of All Time? John John Florence vs Kelly Slater Billabong Pro Tahiti 2014
Here is the replay of the best heat of all time featuring Kelly Slater and John John Florence at Teahupoo in 2014. I've been looking for this heat forever. Truly the greatest heat of all time...