Even though it was a dropping swell, there were still a few waves to be had in Canggu for this session. The wind was light with smooth conditions early, but it didn’t last as long as surfers would...
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The conditions weren’t the best for this session in Canggu, but there were still some decent waves at the Sandbar and Rivermouth for the first part of the day. A stiff onshore westerly wind really...
Tropical cyclone Zelia off the coast of Western Australia has been causing havoc here in Bali. Strong winds and torrential rain have brought down trees and flooded streets for the last few...
With not much swell in the water there were limited options for a wave in Bali, so a lot of surfers opted for this spot on the Bukit. There were still some fun sized sets, and with the wind being...
A morning of non-stop rain wasn’t enough to keep surfers away from Keramas, and they were rewarded with smooth head high sets and a couple of tubes for their trouble. 0:00 Dhiyan:...
April 2023 in Bali was neither exceptional or disappointing. One solid - but not huge swell, variable winds and lots of medium sized days made for plenty of waves and mostly happy surfers on all...