It was a mellow swell that rolled into this stretch of beach in Canggu the other day, with smooth shoulder to head high sets breaking left and right at the Sandbar. The was much less power compared...
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The Sandbar was looking really fun with shoulder to head high sets and smooth conditions for the first few hours of the day. We’re still getting some rain here in Bali, but there was plenty of...
The waves were firing from the get-go for this session in Canggu with some dredgy peaks unloading on the Sandbar. Plenty of tube-time was clocked up by the early crew, including a couple of...
There weren’t too many tubes during this session at Keramas a few days ago, so it’s a real gift when you find yourself in the spot for a nice barrel. Early glassy conditions gave way to a light...
January 2025 basically followed the script of a wet season month here in Bali. With westerly winds, small swells and lots of rain dominating, finding good clean waves was a challenge at times. But...
With a fast incoming tide, offshore breeze and medium sized swell, the Rivermouth in Canggu was in great form – churning out beautiful rights all morning long. 0:00 Suri Jabrik:...