There were no solid swells for the month of January, and with a persistent westerly wind the east coast of the island was ofeten the only option for a clean wave. The wind did back down...
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Ryan @TheSurfersJourney highlights some key learning points from one of The Surfers Journey FULL tutorials. Click the link below for that video, and check out some of Ryan's other videos. FULL...
There were plenty of long board friendly waves during 2024 with Batu Bolong and Kuta Beach consistently dishing up small clean rollers. Here's a short highlights video of the female loggers of Bali...
Hey guys! This video attempts to break down one of the world's greatest surf destinations, Indonesia. With every type of wave you could ever hope to sure find one lifetime, I hope this video gives...
The long boarders had some really good-looking waves in Kuta earlier in the week with little lefts and right peeling up and down the beach. A light offshore picked up a bit of speed as the morning...
Surf Better With These 5 Simple Steps - Surf Coach Brent walks us through a fundamental surfing maneuver, the backside cutback. The backside cutback is stable for any...